York Music Hub #YMHshare

A place for providers, young people, teachers, and everyone to upload all things musical!

Whether it's material from a show, rehearsal footage for a concert since cancelled, lessons taking place, or just an update of how you're feeling, we at York Music Hub want to hear it! 


Your details

These details will not appear directly in the feed, and will be used for administrative purposes only.

Your submission

Please note that some or all of this information may appear in the feed; take this into account when posting any personal information.

If you don't use social media / third-party websites to upload your content, and would still like to send files (video / sound clip / PDF etc), please upload here using our Google Form (opens in a new tab/window), before returning to this tab to submit your entry here, and we'll process your upload (eg putting it on our Youtube Channel) and link up to your submission before publishing.

Please note:

  • ensure you use the same email address in both forms so we can more easily cross-reference submissions.
  • you will need a Google Account to sign-in to use the Google Form.
Consent and submission